Freight owners directory - Transport and Logistics Information Portal

Freight owners directory

Рахимов Алишер



Region: Ташкент
City: Ташкент
Company: Школа керамики
Address: г.Ташкент
Contact phone numbers: + 998-90-987-20-63
Convenient time for calls: с 08 до 22.00 час.
E-mail: Send message

Additional information about freight owner and products

Заявка на перевозку груза

1.    наименование груза:

Pos.   Item nо.                       Description: X Quantity
1       13521        Кiln Studio-Line СВ 520 5 400V with  ТС66 X 1pc.
X serial number: 52К.О313.6268 ТС:
X stand:
2       45000           speсial equipment: separate wall-box  for the electriс                 1х

3     50000           Furniture Set СВ 520 S X 1pc.
X 6 Cordierit-shelves 3-раrt,
                             12 Props 50 mm,
                             18 Props 100 mm, 12 Props 150 mт
                             Batt-wash, cubes

4         m               Kittec information file X 1Stk/pc.

5       sped5           Forwarding dispatch X 1х

2. Вес груза                            -  weight approx. 450 kg.
3. Размеры груза                  - 1 pallet  160х120х150 cm.
4. Адрес   погрузки             - Germany Kelcice 144 CZ-798 08 Vranovice-Kelcice
X Kittec  a.s. factory.
5. Адрес   выгрузки               - Shayhontohur district,  Kukeha darboza street 25.
X UZ- 700042  Tashkent / USBEКISTAN

Ждём Ваших предложений.

С уважением,

  Рахимов Алишер (Alisher Rakhimov)

тел. + 998-90-987-20-63
Эл. адрес.    

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