Каталог грузовладельцев - Транспортный информационно-логистический Портал

Каталог грузовладельцев

Dash Cargo Logistics


Регион: NCR
Город: Paranaque City
Компания: Dash Cargo
Адрес: Unit B&C, Bayview International Towers III, Roxas Boulevard, Tambo, Paranaque City
Контактные телефоны: 62 9166815330
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Дополнительная информация о грузовладельце и грузах (товарах), предназначенных к перевозке

"Dash Cargo enables industries to propel above the complexities of logistics—solid, flexible and equipped to drive the future of your business. Together, we can move the world

Since '97, Dash Cargo's vision is to connect people, scale businesses, and create value by bridging the gap amongst our stakeholders — all through our unyielding passion for anything and everything freight forwarding.

Dash Cargo focuses on three key categories of their business: Value, Innovation, and Professionalism.

Through these categories, they continually optimize their solutions and strategies for a more customer-centric approach for each service, enhancing customer experience and satisfaction."

Visit our website here: https://www.dashcargologistics.com/
Email: info@dashcargologistics.com

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