How to find a transport for freight transportation - Transport and Logistics Information Portal

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How to find a transport for freight transportation

If you need to find transport for freight transportation, go to the section "Carriers’ offer". Here, collected all the offers of transports from the carriers, which are listed on the site. In each offer, indicated the direction of transportation, date of transportation, name of transport and other parameters.
You can use the search form to search for a transport on the page of the section "Find an offer”.
To expand the search form, click on the arrow at the right of the sign "Find an offer ":

Fill in the required search criteria:

Departure point - consistently indicate the country, region and city. If the point of departure is specified, the search results will display offers of carriers only with the specified city of departure of the transport.

Arrival point - analogous to departure point, there will be chosen offers only with the specified city of arrival of the transport.

Departure date- if the date of departure is specified, during the search will be chosen the transport offers with specified date of departure.

Arrival date- if the date of arrival is specified, during the search will be chosen the transport offers with specified date of arrival.

Transportation categories- choose the required type of transportation, which will be searched. There will be chosen only specified categories’ offers.

Show one-time transportation and regular transportation- choose the required type of transportation, will be selected only chosen type of offers.